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Matchplay Event Results - 2024
Current Standings
Club Name | Overall Team Points |
20 October 2024
Mirage Country Club Matchplay
Half Moon Bay - Karen Henry V Mossman - Robyn Fleming
Points | Player | Matchplay Score |
0 | Marion Wright | |
0 | Katrina Harper | |
1 | Cecily Atkinson | 3/2 |
1 | Karen Henry | 2/1 |
1 | Pam Shay | 2/1 |
1 | Jane Mather | 2 up |
Matchplay Score | Player | Points |
2/1 | Carly Jack | 1 |
6/5 | Shirley Carney | 1 |
Kim Edwards | 0 | |
Pris Freeman | 0 | |
Inger Rowe | 0 | |
Shona Barbour | 0 |
GORDONVALE - Sandy Caplick V PALMER SEA REEF - Janette Rogerson
Points | Player | Matchplay Score |
1 | Liza Upton | 3/1 |
0 | Roslyn Slyney | |
0 | Edna Atkinson | |
0 | Sandy Caplick | |
0 | Ruth Ford | |
0 | Deborah Neill |
Matchplay Score | Player | Points |
Jeanette Rogerson | 0 | |
3/2 | Lyn Beard | 1 |
2/1 | Kay Tomlinson | 1 |
3/2 | Sandra Pilmot | 1 |
2 up | Wilma Frame | 1 |
7/6 | Jan Murcott | 1 |
CAIRNS - Erina Williams V ATHERTON - Michelle Pearsall
Matchplay Score | Player | Points |
Erina Williams | 0 | |
3/2 | Tula Junna | 1 |
Chris Trevenen | 0 | |
Sq | Jen Wood | 0.5 |
Sq | Di Diversi | 0.5 |
5/4 | Robyn Wakefield | 1 |
Matchplay Score | Player | Points |
5/4 | Amber Barker | 1 |
Michelle Pearsall | 0 | |
1 up | Robin Beck | 1 |
Sq | Mel Pensini | 0.5 |
Sq | Sandra Watson | 0.5 |
Christine Watson | 0 |
26 October 2024
Atherton Matchplay
Heading 5
Club Name | Matchplay Team Points |
Half Moon Bay - Karen Henry V Mossman - Robyn Fleming
Points | Player | Matchplay Score |
0 | Marion Wright | |
0 | Katrina Harper | |
1 | Cecily Atkinson | 3/2 |
1 | Karen Henry | 2/1 |
1 | Pam Shay | 2/1 |
1 | Jane Mather | 2 up |
Matchplay Score | Player | Points |
2/1 | Carly Jack | 1 |
6/5 | Shirley Carney | 1 |
Kim Edwards | 0 | |
Pris Freeman | 0 | |
Inger Rowe | 0 | |
Shona Barbour | 0 |
26 October 2024
Mirage Country Club Matchplay
Heading 5
Club Name | Matchplay Team Points |
Half Moon Bay - Karen Henry V Mossman - Robyn Fleming
Points | Player | Matchplay Score |
0 | Marion Wright | |
0 | Katrina Harper | |
1 | Cecily Atkinson | 3/2 |
1 | Karen Henry | 2/1 |
1 | Pam Shay | 2/1 |
1 | Jane Mather | 2 up |
Matchplay Score | Player | Points |
2/1 | Carly Jack | 1 |
6/5 | Shirley Carney | 1 |
Kim Edwards | 0 | |
Pris Freeman | 0 | |
Inger Rowe | 0 | |
Shona Barbour | 0 |
26 October 2024
Mossman Matchplay
Heading 5
Club Name | Matchplay Team Points |
Half Moon Bay - Karen Henry V Mossman - Robyn Fleming
Points | Player | Matchplay Score |
0 | Marion Wright | |
0 | Katrina Harper | |
1 | Cecily Atkinson | 3/2 |
1 | Karen Henry | 2/1 |
1 | Pam Shay | 2/1 |
1 | Jane Mather | 2 up |
Matchplay Score | Player | Points |
2/1 | Carly Jack | 1 |
6/5 | Shirley Carney | 1 |
Kim Edwards | 0 | |
Pris Freeman | 0 | |
Inger Rowe | 0 | |
Shona Barbour | 0 |
26 October 2024
Palmer Sea Reef Matchplay
Heading 5
Club Name | Matchplay Team Points |
Half Moon Bay - Karen Henry V Mossman - Robyn Fleming
Points | Player | Matchplay Score |
0 | Marion Wright | |
0 | Katrina Harper | |
1 | Cecily Atkinson | 3/2 |
1 | Karen Henry | 2/1 |
1 | Pam Shay | 2/1 |
1 | Jane Mather | 2 up |
Matchplay Score | Player | Points |
2/1 | Carly Jack | 1 |
6/5 | Shirley Carney | 1 |
Kim Edwards | 0 | |
Pris Freeman | 0 | |
Inger Rowe | 0 | |
Shona Barbour | 0 |
26 October 2024
Half Moon Bay Matchplay
Heading 5
Club Name | Matchplay Team Points |
Half Moon Bay - Karen Henry V Mossman - Robyn Fleming
Points | Player | Matchplay Score |
0 | Marion Wright | |
0 | Katrina Harper | |
1 | Cecily Atkinson | 3/2 |
1 | Karen Henry | 2/1 |
1 | Pam Shay | 2/1 |
1 | Jane Mather | 2 up |
Matchplay Score | Player | Points |
2/1 | Carly Jack | 1 |
6/5 | Shirley Carney | 1 |
Kim Edwards | 0 | |
Pris Freeman | 0 | |
Inger Rowe | 0 | |
Shona Barbour | 0 |
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